Mood 1998 : why Ajvc – PODC – Rejefac Blog?

Publié le 20 juillet 2018 par Marie Tamoifo NKOM

Mood 1998 :  why Ajvc - PODC - Rejefac Blog?

From “the young girl” to the “young woman leader” … This long journey in which I embarked myself since 28 years of my teenage days was dreamed, fantasized, hoped but not like that! I abandoned my academic career path, set aside full of things in the light of opportunities and the call of the moment I had  to create a random and open world tour, a true dream, an atypical trajectory, the creation of  “An environmental association in Cameroon and a network of young environmental volunteers in the CONGO Bassin- REJEFAC”in a continent with a specific context to each country, a little difficult for some young girls and women like me and sometimes so dynamic and changing for all of the young Africans who don not lose faith, and yet a beautiful and sinuous journey for all; open to various encounters and events that always emerge on the way. Send me a note and subscribe to my newsletter as a subscriber on my  so that we can exchange on the web all of this.

I have lived and seen many things as a young leader in the community, as leader of the thematic networks, project manager. My experience has given me twenty years of experience in the field and makes me a relationship expert. I will share with you my meetings, my key events, my vision of the youth and the African woman in her quest for her place and role and soon a book Inch Allah … It is up to all of us to offer hope to our young people, to our moms and parents and even to the leaders of our countries. Our hope for the future of our children – and grandchildren, the hard work that inspires hope – is what keeps the country and me going each day. My commitment means giving our youth an education, an opportunity, a place of choice. Ensure that each of them has access to a future as big and brilliant as their dreams. And that means providing them with spaces where they can hear each other, listen to each other, see the world differently in another friend, brother , sister and other’s eyes. Places where they can learn to lead, look for innovations – and then get out of there, out of their elobies or ntaba and build a country worthy of their boundless promise. This is my vision for the AJVC, the Rejefac, the PODC, the Gic focus on it, AFAP: More than a company or an association, it is a real work center for citizen collaboration with all. A learning and training space for the next generation of leaders.
